Our Vision

We have the opportunity to enhance the mental health and wellbeing of children from birth to six.

Who We Are

We are a national organization which improves outcomes across the lifespan through translating and promoting the science of early mental health into practice with families during pregnancy, infancy, and early childhood.

What We Do

We inform policy, practice, and build capacity by working collaboratively with organizations and communities across Canada through our initiatives, education, and resources.

What We Value

Inclusion, Diversity & Equity
Quality & Innovation

Impact Reports

Want to learn more about the work that we do? Take a look at our Impact Reports to see how we’ve made a difference. Each report showcases how we’ve advanced our mission through dedicated efforts.

Meet Our Team

Chaya Kulkarni
Annie Gelibolyan
Program Coordinator
Cory Larsen
Administrative Assistant
Hadir Ashry
Project Manager, IEMH Care Pathways
Karys Peterson-Katz
Post-Doctoral Research Fellow
Lesley Watts
Sr. Program Manager, Naturing the Seed & Natural Helper
Nicole Tuzi
Sr. Program Manager, Training and Education
Nikki Abad
Digital Learning Systems Administrator
Rup Patel
Project Coordinator
Stefanie Watmough
Business Manager
Sydney Fair
Communications Advisor
Yvonne Zhang
Program Manager, Digital Initiatives